How Do You Unlock the Value of Your Business?
If you’ve ever asked yourself, “How can I unlock the value of my business” — you’re not alone. This question has been on every top manager’s mind since the first company was ever started. So how do you unlock the value of your business?
The Value of Documented Business Processes
Large or small, it doesn’t matter. When it comes to business valuation, Business Owners Don’t Know How to Value Their Own Business, but want to know how to get the most for the company? The key to unlocking the value in your business is consistency by documenting your business processes, in writing, for all of your employees!
Writing Business Procedures
Why “in writing”? Multiplication. Once you can document your business process, you can multiply your valuation power. You just take your written documents and multiply them for every new employee that comes on board. There you have it — the secret of unlocking your hidden business value. It is all about building a consistent business. It’s as simple as that.
In business, writing that documents your business processes are called “Policies and Procedures”. And the kind of writing that is phenomenally successful in increasing the value of your business is called “Power Policies and Procedures.” Knowing how to put together Power Policies and Procedures is the key to building consistency.
But there’s a problem. Teaching someone to write Power Policies and Procedures is not easy. Even when you show someone all the “tricks of the trade”, most people just don’t seem to get it. If they did, being successful would be more commonplace!
However, here’s the good news — Bizmanualz has developed the one product in the world that really can teach others how to write Power Policies and Procedures. And not just a select few people, either. This product can teach anybody. It can teach you. Listen to what one of the customers has to say:
“I have reviewed the entire [Policies and Procedures] Manual and related software and find it extremely well organized, helpful, and all the things a happy customer is looking for. As CFO of a public company, this will assist not only in organization, but our audits as well.”
– Richard Nance, CFO General Automation, Inc.
Where Do You Start?
Bizmanualz, Inc. has developed the Business Policies and Procedures Sampler covering all the major departmental areas within your organization.
“My superiors were impressed with the immediate results. Given the fast paced environment we live in today and the various responsibilities management is held accountable for, these manuals provide a convenient means of establishing very detailed processes within a fraction of the time it would take to perform from scratch. Thank you for making some of my daily responsibilities less hectic.?”
– Dan Gugliotta, Spring Air Partners
The Business Policies and Procedures Sampler includes core business processes for some of the most common procedures in multiple departments:
- Accounting procedures
- Administration best practices
- Customer service procedures
- IT procedures
- Disaster Recovery Procedures
- Engineering Practices
- Environmental Policies
- Finance and Credit Procedures
- Personnel Policies
- Manufacturing Quality Procedures
- Purchasing Procedures
- Sales and Marketing Practices
- Shipping and Receiving Procedures
- Physical Security Practices
Power Policies and Procedures
Yes, experts and ordinary business people alike recognize Bizmanualz, Inc. as the master of Power Policies and Procedures. But maybe you think you don’t need this skill. Is that what you think? Then think again. Because 8 out of 10 new businesses fail in the first 5 years. The biggest reason for failure: weak management.
Yet when you know how to write Power Policies and Procedures, increasing your valuation is easy. It’s practically like taking candy from a baby. Yes, it’s just about that easy!
Not only that, you can use Power Policies and Procedures to create an automatic “money machine” for your business. Now you can go on vacation for weeks to places like Hawaii. And when you get back, the business will be running just as smoothly as if you had never left. Now that’s what I call freedom! So why don’t you have this skill already?
Now I realize your next question may be, “Is this product really any good”. And that’s a fair question. Let me put it this way — if it wasn’t any good, do you think we’d be willing to offer you a full money-back guarantee?
Time for Policies and Procedures
Time. Nobody has enough time. That’s why I created a set of templates containing many of the most common policies and procedures every business needs. You get best practices from Accounting Polices and Procedures, Finance, IT Policies and Procedures Manual, Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, ISO Quality Procedures, and Disaster & Security Procedures.
We wouldn’t recommend business procedures unless we knew that you’ll love it. We’re totally confident this product will work for you.
It makes learning fun and easy with its unique learning format. Anyone can do it. This product is filled with powerful prewritten samples, reports, forms, job descriptions and a whole lot more..
Unlocking the Value of Your Business
This product is jam-packed with information you need to be more profitable in any business. In fact, Bizmanualz, Inc. is so confidant that this product will do for you what it has done for so many others that you also receive a full money back guarantee.
If after 30 days you are not 100% confident that this product will turn your policies and procedures writing into pure gold, we will cheerfully give you a full refund. And you may cancel at any time. This means you have nothing to lose and a completely new world of profit potential to gain.
I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity today. This isn’t just a product – it’s an experience. And one that will make your business a whole lot more valuable. Imagine what you will do with all the new money you will make after you learn the secret to power standard operating procedures.
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