Who Is on a Disaster Recovery Team?

Your disaster recovery will depend on how well team members understand and have practiced their roles. The company’s Disaster Recovery Team is drawn from the company’s available personnel resources, and may include service vendors. Your Disaster Recovery Team functions as a strategic planning and tactical response unit. Team members may be assigned temporary duties, responsibilities and a level of authority beyond their normal employment classification.
Disaster Recovery Team
The Disaster Management Team is comprised of executives, managers and department heads with functional responsibilities involving several offices, departments or facilities. The Team may include sub-groups as appropriate. Team member responsibilities and authorities need to be clearly defined. Team members must be notified of their duties, attend meetings and remain up-to-date regarding company policies.
Disaster Management Executive Committee
The Disaster Management Executive Committee is charged with the responsibility for disaster management planning, which means creating a comprehensive Disaster Management Plan for the company. The Committee is comprised of the company’s President/CEO, selected executives and senior managers, and may contain members of the company’s Board of Directors.
The Disaster Management Plan is used as the guiding mechanism for fulfilling the company’s duties and responsibilities regarding local, state and federal regulations. Having a disaster recovery manual simplifies contingency planning before disaster strikes.
Specific disaster planning actions include:
- Identifying the individual members of the Disaster Management Executive Committee
- Assigning powers, authority and responsibilities to individual members
- Providing for the termination of status
- Each role is identified in appointment document, and the acknowledgement made by each Committee member
Disaster Management Team Chair
The Disaster Management Team Chairpersons are responsible for assigning the research, development and implementation of the Disaster Management Plan throughout the organization. The Chairpersons are also responsible for assuming control over business operations during and after the disaster, until business operations return to normal. The Chairpersons are responsible for providing effective leadership and administration of the company’s recovery efforts.
Disaster Management Team Coordinators
The Disaster Management Team Coordinators are charged with the responsibility for creating a comprehensive Disaster Management Plan for the company, and for implementing the decisions made by the Chairpersons and the Disaster Management Executive Committee during a disaster. The Coordinators are responsible for providing effective management and implementation of the company’s recovery efforts.
Disaster Management Team Leaders
The Disaster Management Team Department/Office Leaders and service vendors are responsible for acting as Coordinators for their respective areas of responsibility, and report directly to the Disaster Management Team Coordinators.
Your disaster management plan identifies all personnel responsible for the initial and continuing research, development and implementation of the disaster recovery plan, establishes the formal notification and reporting structure for all members of the Disaster Recovery Team, describes the duties and responsibilities of all personnel and assigns appropriate levels of authority to those personnel.
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