What Are the Benefits of Lean 5S System?
5S is an exceptional lean system, in theory. Where it often falls short is in the execution. Now, I’m not saying that for every benefit of Lean 5S system, there’s a drawback. As designed, it’s all good. But like they say, “There are at least two sides to every story.” What are the benefits of lean 5s system?
What is Lean 5S?
Much has been made about lean process improvement and the benefits of “5S” — Sort, Shine, Set in place, Standardize, and Sustain — over the years it has been a part of the quality lexicon.
What does five S stand for?
SEIRI (Sort)
Distinguishing between necessary and unnecessary things, and getting rid of those things you do not need.
SEISO (Shine)
Creating a clean worksite without garbage, dust, and unnecessary things.
SEITON (Set in Order)
The practice of orderly storage. It is the setting in place of those things you use a lot, so the right item can be picked efficiently (without waste) at the right time.
SEIKETSU (Standardize)
Standardization of best practices. So, everyone know where to find the same thing.
SHITSUKE (Sustain)
The practice of developing customs so that the workplace regulations and rules are correctly practiced
Drawbacks of A Lean 5S System
Very little is said about the drawbacks of implementing a 5S system. The shortcomings of lean 5S are not in the system itself, but in how 5S is implemented. Most companies that don’t get 5S fall short on the last and most crucial element of all — sustaining. To them, 5S isn’t a system — it’s an event.
5S is Not an Event
What they don’t understand is that lean 5S isn’t a one-time cure, like a pill or injection for a serious physical ailment. 5S is a system, a cycle, not an event. It’s a habit the workforce gets into, like exercising three or more times a week to decrease the likelihood of a “serious physical ailment”. The company that doesn’t get much out of 5S probably isn’t incorporating the 5S philosophy in its daily routine. Perhaps they don’t understand lean thinking.
5S is Not Just Cleaning
Clearing everything (lean waste) off of everyone’s desk once a year is not a lean 5S system. Having a place for everything and everything (back) in its place, every day — that’s lean 5S!
5S is Tyranny
Lean 5S is sometimes applied rigorously — to the letter — by overzealous, micromanaging types. They mistake discipline for tyranny. Taken to extremes, 5S stifles individuality and creativity, lowering morale and productivity. (Believe it or not, people aren’t inspired when they’re told, “It has to be this way…or else!”)
Some managers don’t quite get the “standardize” part of 5S, either. Standardizing is about processes and procedures, not people. When you say every workstation has to have a uniform appearance, that doesn’t mean you have to rob individual work areas of personality. Limiting workers to “one or two personal effects, not to exceed a certain size or character”, has nothing whatsoever to do with 5S.
Benefits of a Lean 5S System
A lean 5S system is great for your company, if you can get everybody on board.
- The employer’s concern for cleanliness and worker safety contributes significantly to morale… people take greater pride in their company when the company takes pride in its plant, offices, & people
- The efficiencies gained by freeing up space, improving layout, and optimizing workflow are enormous
- The potential for increases in productivity when things are laid out so as to maximize efficiency and turnaround time;
- Less time and motion are wasted when workstation layout is optimized, even in an office setting
- A well-run 5S system encourages employees to think about, and look for, other incremental improvements, or kaizens as they go about their daily business.
Read about the Toyota Production System (TPS) if you haven’t already. There’s much to learn about the benefits of lean 5S in the TPS story.
Using A Lean 5S System Effectively
In the effort to optimize work flow, maximize efficiency, and gain productivity, sometimes we forget to “build” breaks into the day. We can’t possibly keep working at a steady pace throughout the workday, even though our machines and our computers can. Actually, machines and computers need maintenance and down time almost as much as we do. People cannot “multitask”, either. (Trying to multitask leads to irritability, sleeplessness, and a greater risk of illness, contributes to short attention span, etc.).
Benefits of a Lean 5S System
The moral of the story is, “Understand and follow the spirit of the law, not the letter of the law.” Use lean 5S as it’s designed and you’ll have increased success and a satisfied workforce.
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