Opening and Closing Cash Facilities Procedure
The Opening and Closing Cash Facilities Security Procedure describes how the proper internal control should be maintained over funds received by cashiers or sales clerks at all times. To identify the practices for safely opening specialized facilities, including cash-handling facilities. The Opening and Closing Cash Facilities procedures may also be applied to any facility that houses items that may be targeted during robberies and burglaries.
Opening and Closing Cash Facilities Responsibilities
Security Director – immediately notified when an employee believes there is danger in the office.
Opening and Closing Cash Facilities Procedure Activities
- Opening Cash Handling Facility
- Closing Cash Handling Facility
MS-Word Details for our Sample SPV108 Opening and Closing Cash Facilities Template
Pages: 6
Words: 934
Format: Microsoft Word (.docx)
Language: English
Manual: Security Policies and Procedures Manual
Category: 420-Security-Prevention-Procedures