Download Examples of Company Policies and Procedures

Project management follows a common Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle found within the five project phases. Do you know what these phases are?

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Can a Checklist Be a Procedure?
August 2, 2023 - Write Better Procedures

Discover the effectiveness of using a checklist as a procedure in various industries.

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How do you Structure a Policy and Procedure Manual?

If you are a manager or entrepreneur, you know the importance of having a clear and concise policy and procedure manual for your business. This manual outlines your company’s core values, compliance, communication, and how things should be done. In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know about creating an effective policy and […]

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How Do You Write Procedures for Results?

Don’t just write about your tasks, learn how to Get results from your procedures.

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How Do You Write a Procedures Manual?

Keeping certain concepts in the forefront ƒ?? like change and appropriateness of language, among others ƒ?? helps you craft the sort of policies and procedures manual that meets or exceeds everyone’s needs.

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Why is it Important to Have Standard Operating Procedures?

Does your company lack structure when doing simple tasks? Are your staff members too dependent, seeing the need for them to be more self-reliant? Do you find yourself pondering streamlining the processes of your rapidly expanding company? Then you will begin to understand the question: why is it important to have standard operating procedures?

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How Do You Write a Policy and Procedure?

You need policies and procedures to communicate your goals; standardize behavior, processes, and results; train employees consistently; and identify what’s acceptable behavior and what’s not.

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How to Create an Effective Policy Procedure Manual
November 21, 2021 - Writing Procedure Manuals

An Effective Policy Procedure Manual is clearly written and easily understood by all the employees in your organization. DO you know how to create these?

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How to Create Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) That Your Entire Company Can Use
July 10, 2021 - Writing Procedure Manuals

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) entail step-by-step guides or instructions on how certain business activities are performed. They are essential for any growing business that strives for efficient output. They will help you cut back on training resources and ensure that you are providing consistent products or services to your end-users. This article explains how to create […]

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