Giving your customers credit is like lending them cash. Internal control should include credit policy and processes just like it covers how cash is handled.
Read moreAccounting Procedures can play a role in continual improvement, not just compliance if you use your accounting Procedures to drive internal control.
Read moreA policy is a guiding principle used to set direction in an organization. Policies can be courses of action to guide and influence decisions. A procedure is a particular way of accomplishing something. Procedures should be designed as a series of steps to accomplish an end result.
Read moreWorking Capital is a common measure of the health of your business operations. Knowing how to manage working capital is a crucial aspect of financial procedures. Working capital refers to the funds required to operate your firm on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. It is the money used to pay your suppliers for materials, […]
Read moreProper identification of all sales are an important element of a company’s income statement. Which Accounting Revenue Cycle Procedures should you utilize?
Read moreA company policy consists of either company rules, typically about ethics or relationships, or process outcomes. Do you know how to write a business policy?
Read moreWorking capital is the money it takes to run your business. What areas should you actively manage in order to get the most from your working capital?
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